# This is a BitKeeper generated patch for the following project:
# Project Name: Linux kernel tree
# This patch format is intended for GNU patch command version 2.5 or higher.
# This patch includes the following deltas:
#	           ChangeSet	1.1239.1.2 -> 1.1239.1.3
#	arch/ia64/kernel/unwind.c	1.32    -> 1.33   
# The following is the BitKeeper ChangeSet Log
# --------------------------------------------
# 03/09/08	peterc@gelato.unsw.edu.au	1.1239.1.3
# [PATCH] ia64: unwind.c fix for spinlock-debug compilation
# If you try to compile 2.6.0-test[45] with spinlock debugging on, then
# unwind.c won't compile, because it uses a #define magic that hides
# the variable in the spinlock debugging code (also called magic).
# --------------------------------------------
diff -Nru a/arch/ia64/kernel/unwind.c b/arch/ia64/kernel/unwind.c
--- a/arch/ia64/kernel/unwind.c	Tue Sep  9 01:05:41 2003
+++ b/arch/ia64/kernel/unwind.c	Tue Sep  9 01:05:41 2003
@@ -1171,9 +1171,10 @@
 static inline unw_hash_index_t
 hash (unsigned long ip)
-#	define magic	0x9e3779b97f4a7c16	/* based on (sqrt(5)/2-1)*2^64 */
+#	define hashmagic	0x9e3779b97f4a7c16	/* based on (sqrt(5)/2-1)*2^64 */
-	return (ip >> 4)*magic >> (64 - UNW_LOG_HASH_SIZE);
+	return (ip >> 4)*hashmagic >> (64 - UNW_LOG_HASH_SIZE);
+#undef hashmagic
 static inline long